My account / Log in
A problem occured
We could not load all the elements needed to properly use this page.You can try to refresh the page to see if it solves the problem.
Note that you can still access your account from any browser by authentiating with security questions (link below).
We have detected a problem with your Java software version.
We detect that you are currently using Java [java_version]. You cannot log in to My Account with this version.Please select one of the following 2 solutions:
- Update your Java software (recommended).
- Reduce your Java software's security level. Go to Start > Control Panel > Java > Security (You will need to restart your browser).
Login in progress ... Checking revocation ...
Signing authentication request ... Connecting to account ...
Updating digital signature ...
Your digital signature certificate does not appear in the list?
Few reasons can explain this:- Your certificate is stored in a file. Browse your computer to find it.
- Your certificate is stored in a physical device like a smart card or a cryptographic token. If so, insert it and refresh the list.